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  • 地方工会财务角色、责任和最佳实践

  • 地方工会财务角色、责任和最佳实践


    1. 接收现金和支票并存入当地联合银行账户.
    2. 为适当批准的开支准备支票. Before preparing cheques, ensure recipient is entitled to receive payment for the expense incurred.
    3. 与当地工会主席一起会签授权开支的支票
    4. 通过维护财务记录和在财务记录中记录当地工会的财务交易,适当地说明当地工会的所有资金和支出
    5. 准备月度报告,向会员详细说明收到的款项和支出.
    6. 提供受托人和/或审计员对当地工会财务进行季度/年度审计所需的信息


    1. 所有空白支票必须锁起来,只有司库秘书才能进入.
    2. 所有签发的支票都必须有两个人签名, 最好是总裁和财务秘书, 必须在支票上写好收款人及金额后才可签署.
    3. 提前签支票, 未填写收款人及金额, 给第二个签字员签发支票的机会,他们想给谁就给谁,想给多少就给多少
    4. 支票不可兑换成现金. 开出的现金支票任何人都可以兑现, 哪些可能不是预期的收件人, 支票放错地方了吗.
    5. 在获得适当级别的批准以确保金额是当地工会的有效支出之前,不得签发和签署支票.
    6. 支票一经签发, the cheque number should be recorded on the supporting documentation that was used to issue the cheque. 证明文件将包括发票副本, 抵用券, 信用卡对账单, 费用报告, 等. 这是为了确保它不会被错误地支付两次,并且可以在将来的日期由审计员与支票相匹配.
    7. 作废/作废的支票必须保存为记录,并污损,以便不能兑现. (e.g. 在支票上写上空白,并删去签名。
    8. The cheque signer must not be the payee of the cheque unless there are only two signing officers
    9. 所有支票必须及时处理, 包括任何政府汇款, 省略产生的利息费用.


    1. In certain instances pre-authorized payments may be taken automatically from the Local unions bank account. 虽然我们不建议这样做,但某些供应商可能会要求这样做.
    2. 对于预先授权的付款,本地客户仍然必须从提供商那里收到详细的发票,并执行上述支票的授权步骤, 应该遵循. 建议打印一份银行对账单的副本,其中显示了预先授权的付款,并由总裁和司库秘书签名,以确保它得到适当的批准,并附在详细的发票上.

    3. From time to time the local may also be required to make on-line payments, such as for credit cards. 不建议这样做,但这可能也是提供者的要求. 建议打印一份银行对账单,并由总裁和司库秘书签字,以确保它得到适当的批准,并附在信用卡对账单和收据上.



    1. 捐款

    1. 当地工会的章程必须包含捐赠费用政策.
    2. 超过一定数额的捐款(e).g. 在支票发出之前,必须得到当地会员的批准. Whatever limit the local decides upon, is to be documented in the bylaws of the local union.
    3. The recording secretary must prepare a voucher for all donations approved by the membership, sign it and give to the financial secretary for secondary approval and processing (sample attached).
    4. 较小的捐款, 低于章程规定的门槛, 是否可以不经会员事先批准, 只要得到主席和财政司司长的批准. 这些小额捐款必须逐项列出,并在下次会员会议上作为财政司司长报告的一部分提交, 发行后, 供会员批准. 这一程序必须在当地工会章程中记录.

    2. 差旅费用

    1. 当地工会必须制定一项旅行政策,并将其纳入章程.
    2. 这项旅行政策必须概述个人有权获得的每日津贴以及他们有资格获得每日津贴的条件.
    3. 如果里程作为旅行的一部分支付,费率必须在公司章程中规定. 税率也必须符合CRA的指导方针.
    4. 出差参加会议、会议、教育课程等. 是否须经会员同意方可支付费用 (sample authorization form attached).
    5. 有时旅行可能需要迅速预订. 如果是这样的话, 有关旅行仍须经行政长官批准, 在下次的会员会议上,财政司司长必须将其列为报告的一部分,以供批准.
    6. The travel policy must outline the local unions policy around entitlements to airline and hotel upgrades.
    7. 费用报告应准备和批准所有发生的旅行是报销给特定的个人. 作为审批过程的一部分, 您必须确保收件人有权收到所索赔的费用.

    3. 当地银联信用卡

    1. In some locals, the local may elect to have its own credit card that is used to book travel.
    2. 当地有自己的信用卡吗, the Local needs to ensure that all credit card transaction slips and invoices are obtained. These are to be matched to the credit card statement that is received at the end of each month.
    1. 一旦所有收据与信用卡对账单相匹配, 该声明需要得到总裁和财务部长的批准, 在付款之前.
    2. 当地人的信用卡在任何时候都不能用于个人用途. In addition the credit card information must not be provided to anyone who is not authorized to use the card.

    4. 津贴/酬金/失去的时间

    a.      当地工会章程必须规定津贴/酬金的数额,以及个人获得津贴/酬金的资格.

    b.      有全职工作人员的地方工会, 他们的工资标准必须符合当地工会章程, 只要薪酬有变化,章程就会更新.

    c.      对于那些有兼职官员的地方工会来说, 章程必须明确规定有多少时间可以完成他们的任务.g. 每月20小时)作为他们的津贴/酬金或损失时间索赔的一部分. Any amounts paid in excess of this pre-determined amount 必须由会员批准吗, 在费用发生之前.

    d.      章程必须明确规定什么是浪费时间. 通常, lost time would represent hours that an individual was scheduled to work at their normal place of employment, 但他们做不到因为他们在做当地工会的生意. An individual must not claim more hours than what they would have worked at their regular place of business.

    1. 损失的时间不包括预期的加班,但可以包括假期工资,但前提是假期信用丧失.
    2. 如果当地工会为个人提供休息日(银行存款), 谁做工会业务?, 当他们从雇主那里休假或在休息日, 这必须在章程中明确规定,并必须得到会员的批准, 在发生之前. It is recommended a ‘banked days’ report by member be prepared and presented to the membership, 在定期会议上.
    3. 如果失去的时间在休息日支付给会员, 他们的正常工作不应得到报酬, but rather for a “pre-approved number of hours” based on the anticipated length of the meeting. 在这种情况下,不支付假期工资.

    e.      所有失去的时间必须在会员会议上预先批准, and must be recorded on a lost time form which is signed by the President and Recording Secretary. 财政司司长必须备存一份此表格.

    1. 个人在哪里获得工资延续, 必须填写一份注销表格并送交本单位审批. The book-off form must be returned to the local once approved by the unit or the request should be rejected. 不要以为注销被接受了. 所有填妥的销账表格必须与雇主发出的发票相符. 然后,雇主只有在他们所支付的所有损失时间与表格/信件相匹配时才能获得报酬.

    当地和联检组之间关于帐簿注销的主要联系, 应该建立, 避免重复和未经授权的注销. 非由该指定人员发起的帐簿不得发送给本股.

    1. 如果个人没有继续领取工资, 此表格/信函用于直接向个人付款
    2. 所有损失时间的补偿金都应附有一份表格/信件

    f.      所有损失的补偿金应在下次会员会议上报告.

    5. 资本支出

    1. 所有资本支出,如电脑、设备、家具等. 是否须经会员同意方可支付费用
    2. 任何资本支出都必须经过至少2-3个报价的招标过程. 当地审查报价细节,确保接受“最佳报价”,而不仅仅是接受最低价格的报价,这是至关重要的

    6.    其他费用

    a.      当地必须制定一项关于“餐饮和娱乐”的政策,以及被认为是当地联盟可接受的支出.

    1. 当地必须根据每次发生的情况对餐费的金额进行限制,并为当地工会官员设定一个可接受的每月限额
    2. 在提交报销要求时, the itemized receipt from the restaurant must be attached to the individuals expense report, and must contain the names of the people that were in attendance and also the purpose of the meeting
    3. Consideration in the local union travel policy must also be given to the purchase of alcohol. 是否允许购买酒精饮料,如果允许的话, 购买饮料的数量有限制吗
    4. 任何超出这些政策规定范围的支出不得支付

    b.      如果为会员提供了手机或笔记本电脑, 会员仅可将此项目用于银联业务. 非工会业务产生的任何费用都将向当地报销,包括但不限于:话费, 漫游费, 短信费用, 网络限制.

    c.      以上未列出的所有其他费用, 超出了当地工会的正常运作范围, 必须由会员批准吗, prior to incurring the expense and supported by a voucher prepared by the recording secretary.


    1. All reimbursements requested from National Office need to be submitted on a proper invoice, 有发票号码. This invoice should summarize the expenses being claimed and be supported by respective lost time forms.
    2. Ensure that reimbursement requests submitted to the National Office are done on a timely basis. Requests for reimbursement for work done or expenses incurred in excess of 1 year WILL NOT be reimbursed.

    1. 费 are to be submitted to the National Secretary Treasurer by the last day of the month following collection. For example dues collected in January would be owing to the National Union by the end of February.
    2. At the same time a complete dues list including the names of the persons who paid their dues, 有关的工资率和正常工作时间将送交国家司库秘书.


    1. 保存所有当地工会财产的记录,包括购买日期和支付金额. 发票的实物副本也必须包含在资产清单中.

    1. 适用于笔记本电脑、设备、手机等. 分发给当地工会官员, keep track of what was given out and have those individuals sign for the equipment they were given.

    a.       任何由会员管有的本地资产,均须记录在本地确认表格(附表格样本)上。. This form is an agreement between the local and a member that the member received local assets, 供当地商业活动期间使用, and is an ‘acknowledgement’ that the assets are to be returned to the local after its usage.

    1. At the end of their term, the equipment noted in 2 above is to be returned to the local union.


    1. 当地必须准备一份投资政策,概述投资类型和当地的风险承受能力. 建议本地投资者投资于无风险的投资,如新加坡政府投资公司.
    2. 请注意,一些投资工具不像其他投资工具那样具有流动性,当地应确保一些现金资产可以在短时间内获得.
    3. 在任何时候,当地人都不应该向会员“贷款”或“拨款”. 这违反了《十博盘口官网》. 这包括礼品卡.
    4. If a local utilizes a ‘petty cash’ system the physical cash needs to be secured and must reconciled monthly. Only 1 member of the Executive should have access to the petty cash preferably the Financial Secretary. 零用现金也只能用于工会的活动. 附件是备用金凭证,用来记录所有的现金交易.


    1. 银行对帐将按月进行,以确保没有经授权的交易通过当地工会的银行帐户.
    2. 在什么情况下,这些银行对帐是由负责签发支票的人以外的人来做的.


    1. 帐簿和记录必须保存7年.
    2. Books and records must remain at the local unions premises under lock and key, with limited access
    3. 哪里地方工会的官员有变动, 特别是财政司司长, all books and records must be transferred to the new financial secretary in a timely manner. 为了确保所有的账簿和记录都被移交, 建议离任和即将上任的财政司司长都签署一份信件,概述已移交的所有内容.
    4. 记录包括但不限于:
    1. Bank statements / cancelled cheques / blank cheques / credit cards / banking fobs + cards
    2. 发票/付款凭证/ pad
    3. 期刊 & 分类帐用来记录当地的金融交易
    4. 向会员提交财务报告
    5. 受托人审计报告
    6. 会议记录副本
    7. 会费报告/会费核对表
    8. 工资记录, 如果你的同事有工资账户的话, 包括T4的, 工资日记账和与CRA的通信
    9. 零用现金


    1. 必须定期向会员提交报告,最好每月提交一次
    2. 报告必须包括自上次报告以来收到和花费的款项的详细情况, 按收入和支出类型列出, 以及地方工会基金中剩余的数额
    3. 捐款费用须向会员提供详细报告, 差旅费用, 损失时间费用, stipends/honorariums/salaries and any other expenses outside the normally operating expenses of the local.
    4. Copies of the minutes of all meetings must be kept on file for review by the trustees/auditors. 审计:
    1. 地方工会必须每季度将其财务记录提交给地方工会受托人审计,或每年请专业的特许会计师审计这些账簿. 这是《十博官网在线》的一项要求,确保地方工会的资产被用于地方工会成员的利益.
    2. 季度受托人审计必须在季度或年度结束后不迟于3个月提交给全国工会的财务部长.
    3. Should the local union decide to have the books audited annually by a chartered accountant, then an audited financial statement should be received no later than 3 months following the year end.


    1. 联合部队确实为it财务秘书和受托人提供培训课程, 通过教育部门, 我们强烈建议你报名参加这些课程,以全面了解你在当地工会中扮演的重要角色.
