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  • 重新启动经济:高等教育部门的工作者需要知道什么

  • 重新启动经济:高等教育部门的工作者需要知道什么


    全国各地的学院和大学校园的关闭与各自省级管辖范围内的小学和高中的关闭时间相似. 该部门的工人受到的影响因其在各机构中的职能不同而不同.

    Despite the campus closures, 冬季和夏季学期的许多课程仍在网上进行. Thus, 部分教职员在未被取消的情况下,继续提供课堂教学. However, 每个机构的虚拟教育程度取决于技术能力和学术课程和课程的性质.

    Research activity and other supportive operations (e.g. labs, workshops, student support centres, maintenance, administrative, etc.) have been operationally restricted during the pandemic. 一些受影响的员工已经能够在家工作,一些人继续在现场工作.g. 维护人员维持设施运行),而其他人则被暂时解雇.

    Regardless, worker health and safety, 对于目前在现场工作的人来说,适当的防护措施仍然是首要任务,这将是重返校园活动的关键先决条件.

    What post-secondary education workers can expect when returning to work

    At this point, 高等院校一直在努力弄清楚,公共卫生官员是否会认为学生在9月重返教室是安全的,或者国际旅行禁令是否会及时解除,让国际学生回到校园.

    Institutions have been releasing their tentative plans for the fall semester, 大多数学校都宣布了初步的(但不一定详细的)计划,要么完全在线,要么采用在线和面对面授课的混合模式. Each individual institution will have their own operational plans, so there will not be complete uniformity within the sector.

    向更多在线课程的转变(无论是短期的还是长期的)肯定会改变高等教育机构的运作结构. With less students and workers on campuses, 工会将需要确定对非学术支持人员的影响,特别是研究人员, administrative, maintenance, food services, residence services, to name a few.

    With regard to on-campus operations this fall, 工会和校园健康与安全联合委员会必须全面参与重返工作岗位和业务规划. 工会代表和JHSC的加入对于确保工人的声音得到倾听和遵循保护校园社区健康和安全的最佳做法至关重要.

    What post-secondary education workers should expect from their Employers


    • The union should expect the following from college and university employers:
    • 通过工会和JHSC的投入,实施针对特定校园工作场所的重返工作协议.
    • 确保员工接受适当培训,并提供有关COVID-19相关危害的无障碍信息, hygienic practices, sanitization, proper PPE use, etc.
    • 确保所有工作人员在必要时都能获得个人防护装备.
    • 建立学生和工作人员返回校园时需要的更高的清洁标准和协议.
    • 定期与学生沟通校园活动的过渡以及与校园健康和安全实践相关的期望.
    • Ensuring the maintenance of health care benefits, including drug coverage, for workers on prolonged layoff.
    • 检查目前所有外包的食品和保管服务,努力将其纳入内部——这将有助于确保适当遵守清洁、卫生和安全程序, while ensuring that all employees are valued members of the campus community.

    What post-secondary education workers need from Government

    除了在应对大流行和重新开放经济方面发挥作用之外, 省级政府在高等教育机构的资助和运作方面发挥着重要作用, while the federal government can implement various supportive measures.

    The union has a number of policy demands for governments:

    • 联邦和省之间应该进行对话,以便将加拿大紧急工资补贴扩大到包括公共机构.
    • 允许被解雇的工人在领取加拿大紧急响应福利(CERB) / EI的同时获得补充失业救济金(SUB).
    • 继续提供省级资金支持,以便工人能够继续工作,为学生返回校园做好准备(包括提高清洁标准),并继续学业, research and other activity.
    • 省政府必须制定校园清洁的基本标准, in order to provide a safe, 随着遏制措施的解除,为校园社区提供清洁的学习环境.
    • 必须有一个省级机构,让工人报告不安全的工作条件或可能的COVID-19感染, and has the authority to suspend workplace operations and investigate matters.
    • 在不了解当前环境的情况下,高等教育政策不应该直接指向“在线学习”——必须考虑到这样一个事实,即这种教育交付模式不可能是面对面教学的廉价替代品.

    Additional Resources

    十博官网在线 has launched a hub for member information about the pandemic at and encourages members to check the site regularly for updates.

    Subscribe to Unilink, the union’s weekly national newsletter at and download the 十博官网在线 mobile app on your smartphone.