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  • Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) Awareness Day


    2月29日为重复性劳损(RSI)宣传日(非闰年为2月28日). As the only "non-repetitive" day of the year, it’s the ideal date to devote to raising awareness of repetitive strain injuries. RSI日是一项全球性的活动,今年将在30多个国家举行

    What are RSIs?

    重复性劳损(RSIs)是一个总称,描述了影响肌腱的疼痛疾病, muscles, nerves and joints due to overuse or misuse. rsi通常影响身体部位,如颈部、背部、胸部、肩膀、手臂和手. 这些症状可能发展成慢性和致残性疾病,有时再多的物理治疗或手术也无法纠正. rsi也被称为肌肉骨骼疾病(MSDs),在加拿大导致损失时间伤害的频率最高. 我们的许多十博官网在线成员继续成为工作中重复性劳损的牺牲品,而重复性劳损的患病率超过了所有其他职业伤害的总和.


    Examples RSI injuries include:

    • tendinitis
    • bursitis
    • neuritis
    • tenosynovitis
    • arthritis
    • muscle strain
    • low-back injury
    • herniated disk
    • carpal tunnel syndrome



    • throbbing
    • aches and pains
    • tenderness
    • burning
    • tingling
    • numbness
    • swelling
    • weakness
    • cramps
    • stiffness
    • loss of joint movement and strength in the affected area


    What are the Ergonomic Hazards that Cause RSIs?

    人体工程学危害是指对员工造成伤害风险的工作场所条件. The continual repetition of ordinary natural movements such as gripping, holding, bending, twisting, clenching, and reaching can cause injury, especially if combined with awkward postures. Fixed or static body positions, or excessive force, 集中在身体的小部位,如手或手腕会造成伤害, sometimes quite quickly. The pace of work, if too fast, combined with insufficient breaks or recovery time, may also lead to an RSI. Other factors, such as vibration or cold stress, can also impact RSIs. 尽管它们在工作世界中很普遍,但可以通过多种方式预防引起RSI的因素


    RSI Prevention

    It is important to know that hazards are best eliminated at their source. 控制等级是帮助工人尽量减少危险暴露的一种工具. The prevention of RSIs begins with eliminating repetitive work through job design.

    Certain tasks can be eliminated through automation.

    Well-designed workstations should be adjustable to fit the worker. This may involve both sitting and standing

    Some work can be structured so that workers can rotate between different tasks, 因此,使用不同的肌肉群和有限的暴露于人体工程学危害

    在任何时候,工人都应该使用适当来源和维护的工具和设备,以减少防止肌肉劳损所需的努力, and avoid awkward positions.

    Employers should encourage workers to take short, frequent rest breaks.

    COVID-19 and Working from Home

    有很多关于办公室人体工程学的优秀资源,可以作为在家工作的指导. 以安大略省工人职业健康诊所(OHCOW)网站为起点(只有英文) Working from home does not mean you have to suffer an RSI as a result. 你的雇主有责任维护一个安全和符合人体工程学的工作站. Engage with your supervisor or JH&SC确保你在家安全工作——这意味着避免在家工作场所的rsi!

    What We Can Do as a Union

    Understanding that RSIs are a major hazard in our workplaces, 我们必须确保对它们采取与其他工作场所危害(如化学品)相同的预防措施, physical or psychosocial hazards. We must highlight them and attempt to eliminate them, or at least control them. 这是通过工人参与工作场所的健康和安全来实现的. 这种参与是通过联合健康和安全委员会的职能或通过工会健康和安全代表实现的.

    必须强调人体工程学危害,必须改变有伤害的工作,以防止rsi. Workers must be vocal in highlighting concerns to supervision and health and safety committees; safety representatives must be adamant in bringing forward unresolved ergonomic concerns to management and demand they be addressed. 我们鼓励所有工伤事故立即向省级工伤赔偿机构报告, including RSIs. Certainly, 必须对患有RSIs的工人进行急救和治疗, and if any lost time is incurred, worker’s compensation benefits.

    作为一个工会,我们知道谈判桌上是改善健康和安全条件的有力工具,我们鼓励在我们的集体协议中增加符合人体工程学的语言改进. Ergonomic issues must be a focus of the workplace health and safety committee; in many workplaces we have negotiated specific ergonomic representatives and national representatives.

    Unfortunately, 可执行的符合人体工程学的工作场所法规存在于有限的加拿大司法管辖区,我们必须这样做, as a union, 继续向省政府施压,在各自的职业健康和安全立法中制定更强有力的人体工程学保护措施和标准. 人体工程学的改进和对公认标准的强制性参考将有助于工人和雇主实现工作场所健康和安全的高标准.

    Excellent Resources related to RSI Day from OHCOW

    我们邀请你们所有人参加一些特别的RSI日意识网络研讨会,这些研讨会定于每周2月举行, from the Occupational Health Clinics for Ontario Workers (OHCOW) 我们还呼吁您关注马尼托巴省由MFL(马尼托巴劳工联合会)举办的RSI日意识活动,该活动将社会心理因素与肌肉骨骼损伤联系起来. The link is here . (Please register beforehand)




    欲了解更多关于重复性劳损日或工作场所人体工程学的信息,请致电(416)497-4110或在 @email

